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Refund & Returns Policy

Unlike many retailers that deal in refurbished goods, we are thrilled to tell you that everything we sell is brand new.


That means, you secure the safety of a full manufacturers warranty, which is a minimum of 7 years on all defibrillator models.


If at any stage during this warranty period you have technical issues with the device, each of the manufacturers we deal with offer exceptional direct after sales service & support.


(note: all defibrillators come with routine automatic self assessments, so you can be confident that the unit is ready to work when needed, unless it is indicating through coloured indicators or alarms that it has an issue.)


At Defibs Direct, we only deal with approved medical devices and products, which are all manufactured in Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) licenced facilities (Learn more about the TGA HERE). As a result, we can not offer refunds where customers have "changed their mind", as we can not validate the chain of custody and offer the product for resale.


In dealing with medical devices, our quality control standards are exceptional. You can take confidence that your goods are shipped in a perfect condition. We do ship goods using common carriers, but we also insure your shipment to ensure it is protected. If for some reason the goods arrive damaged, rest assured we will take care of you to ensure you receive the goods you paid for, in a fully working and new condition.


If you would like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact us directly;















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Toll Free: 1800 717 464

Sydney (02) 8644 8125

Melbourne (03) 8538 1744

Adelaide (08) 7221 1602

Brisbane (07) 3708 3261

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